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Tzitzit - Tassels (PDF Download)
Tzitzit - Tassels (PDF Download)
Fringes, Tassels and the Prayer-shawl in the Bible: The Significance of the Tzitzit and Tallit, Translated as Tassel and Prayer-shawl in the Old and New Testament!
What are the tassels or fringes mentioned in Scripture? What is the Hebrew Prayer-shawl? Yeshua (Jesus) and Paul made continuous use of it and even chased demons out by using them! A startling revelation is about to be broken open to you from the pages of the New Testament, a must read!
What was the intended meaning in the OT for wearing them? Why did the woman with the blood-flowing specifically wanted to touch Yeshua’s "hem"? Why did David specifically cut King Saul’s tassels off? Is God’s Name really woven in these tassels? Why must there be a thread of blue woven into the tassel?
The topics unravelled in this book are:
1)God’s Instruction in the Bible for a Tangible Connection.
2)The Name of God Knotted in the Tassel.
3)Numeric Values of the Hebrew Letters Associated With a Tassel.
4)The Four Corner Tassels are also Longer than the Rest in the Prayer-shawl and Represent the Four Names of Yeshua in Revelation.
5)The Claim that Fringes / Tassels is Only for the Jews.
6)Are Tassels Only for Men?
7)What is the Reason for the Blue in the Tassel?
8)How to Make and Tie a Tassel.
9)There is Healing in Messiah’s Wings Explained
10)The Woman with Blood-flowing Healed by Touching Messiah’s Hem.
11)Meaning of the Hebrew Word "Tallit".
12)Paul the Tentmaker.
13)The Israelites in the Wilderness with Their Own Small Tabernacles Each.
14)Throw the Napkin / Handkerchief / Apron Over the Sick and Demons Flee.
15)The Covering of a Prayer-shawl is Connected to the Spirit.
16)Prophet Elijah’s Mantle.
17)Yeshua and Talitha, the Girl He Rose From the Dead.
18)The Custom of Tying a String Around Your Finger.
19)King Saul Damaged Samuel’s Tassels.
20)David took King Saul’s Tassels.
21)The Hebrew Divorce and the Tallit.
22)The Tallit and the Inner Room / Closet When You Pray.
23)Other Examples of the Prayer-shawl in the New Testament.
24)The Importance of the "Tallit" at Y’shua’s Appearance.
Brace yourself, this book will bring a new understanding to the NT Scriptures.
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Book Size: A5
Number of Pages: 29
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