Is Your Messiah of Jewish Origin or from the Western Nations? (Christian foundational Teachings Book 1) View larger

Is Your Messiah of Jewish Origin or from the Western Nations? (Christian foundational Teachings Book 1)


Is Your Messiah of Jewish Origin? (PDF Download)

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Is Your Messiah of Jewish Origin or from the Western Nations? (Christian foundational Teachings Book 1)

As surprising as it may seem, many Christians are not aware that Y’shua is a Jew. As a matter of fact, when some hear it said that He is they get angry, and even mad. This has happened many times.

"How can you say Y’shua was a Jew? Everybody knows he was conceived of the Holy Spirit and is therefore God and not a Jew. He just happened to live among the Jews".

Many Christians bellow out:

"What is all this stuff about Jesus being a Jew? He wasn't a Jew; he was the first Christian and the founder of the Christian Church".

It is most unfortunate that this type of thinking is common in Christian circles today. Actually, it is an expression of a subtle, often subconscious, attitude on the part of many Christians that is quite serious and most dangerous. We might even go so far as to define it as "hellish”. It is a hellish, ingrained anti-Semitism that expresses itself in an unwillingness to accept Y’shua as a Jew. 

The perverted logic is, "How could anyone so dear and precious to me, someone I love so much and to whom I have surrendered my life, be a Jew?"

It is believed that this kind of thinking expresses the conviction of many Christians today. It is usually buried deep within the subconscious mind (or repressed) and only manifests itself overtly when one's spiritual guard is down. It is the result of the spiritual ship of the Word of YHWH being torn loose from the jetty of the historical foundations of biblical faith that were secured firmly in the foundations of historic Judaism. As a result, the spiritual ship has for centuries, been awash in a sea of pagan theology that has led to the gentilisation; i.e., paganisation of the Church. 

The Church has forgotten that they are the Wild Olive Branches that need to be grafted into the Natural Olive Tree. They have completely forgotten from whence it is that the branch receives the nourishing sap.

Journey with me as we study the Scriptures, which will thoroughly convince us that our Messiah Y’shua was indeed a Jew…

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Book Size: A5

Number of Pages: 25

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