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Ephesians: A Hebraic Understanding...
Ephesians: A Hebraic Understanding (PDF Download)
Ephesians Understandable to Every Christian! A Hebraic Perspective: Verse by Verse Explanation of the Book of Ephesians (Christian Foundational Teachings 8)
Beloved Christian, do you want to know the TRUE UNDERSTANDING and INTEND of the ARMOUR OF GOD? If you are a Pastor, Counsellor, Intercessor, involved in Spiritual Warfare, or just a normal Believer, then you must get to the original Hebrew meaning of the Armour of God!
This characterization of Ephesians suggests to us that this Book has proven to be greater than the minds of those who have studied it. Ephesians is one of those Books which, like God of whom it speaks, is beyond the grasp of the finite minds of men.
It is an important fact that division and splintering in the ranks of the beloved Messianics have been rampant lately, rather than enhanced unity, as the Gospels and the Epistles frequently instruct, further division is experienced. This is the very reason for this study of Ephesians. We need to re-think our views on the matter of defining the Believer community… The Two Houses mentioned in the Letter to the Ephesians will become "one" whether we are part of this prophetic reality or not. Unity will come!
This study of Paul does not support any specific denomination. It has deliberately been written from the ROOT SOURCES using fundamental principles of Scripture interpretation as to get an accurate exegesis on each verse.
This book will help you to understand who the Community really is and how God expects us to build a relationship with the House of Judah, that after all is the whole purpose of the Letter to the Ephesians. This is also the Believer’s sole mandate, which is captured in these two verses:
Rom 11:11: "I say then, have they (Judah) stumbled that they should fall? Let it not be! But by their fall deliverance has come to the gentiles (Lost Sheep of the House of Israel), to provoke them to jealousy."
Gen 12:3: "And I shall bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you. And in you all the clans of the earth shall be blessed."
Meaning, you must be a blessing to all brothers, and you must provoke Judah to jealousy and not despise them. This off course is a Commandment in the Bible from God and there are consequences if you do not do it. The question is how do you do it?
In this study we will go through each and every verse in the Ephesians Book. You will at last understand the FULL ARMOUR OF GOD, not from a Roman soldier (Greek mind-set) perspective, but from a Hebrew perspective, yes a jaw-dropping revelation!
This book is a MUST-READ for those who want to understand the "New Testament" in its original context.
(BOOK IS UPDATED! Thank you for being patient with us. We are in the process to upgrade all our books based on captivating Biblical topics, explaining secrets and mysteries. Books are also available in PDF at as well as FREE videos for your convenience. Please come back regularly to see our upgraded and vibrant new books.)
Book Size: A5
Number of Pages: 109
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