Study the Stars - Why You Have To: A Hebraic Perspective: God’s hidden messages proclaim His glory! View larger

Study the Stars - Why You Have To: A Hebraic Perspective: God’s hidden messages proclaim His glory!


Why You Must Study The Stars: A Hebraic Understanding (PDF Download)

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Study the Stars - Why You Have To: A Hebraic Perspective: God’s hidden messages proclaim His glory!

Day four of creation… "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and LET THEM BE for SIGNS, and for seasons, and for days, and years".

Here is a direct instruction right in the beginning of the Bible where God clearly instructs us that we MUST study the signs in the stars, moon and sun.

David adds to this in Psalm 19 and says that STUDYING THEM would give you "knowledge". This means the heavens are broadcasting information and revealing knowledge every day and night. They have a message from God that is being revealed especially to Earth. This is much more than Astronomy. Astronomy is the scientific study of the start. Astrology is EVIL and forbidden in the Bible. Astronomy and Astrology must not be confused with each other. 

Thus the heavens speak special knowledge without sounds or words. They communicate with pictures, signs, and symbols. They are God’s silent witnesses and declare His glory!

In the Book of Job God asks Job: "Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion? Can you lead forth the MAZZAROTH in their season, or can you guide the Bear with its children? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their rule on the earth?" The "Mazzaroth" is the Hebrew word for the 12 constellations within the sun's apparent path through the heavens; they are connected to the 12 Tribes of Israel.

The NT, if fact Paul himself, quote David’s words of Psalm 19 which proves undoubtedly that the Mazzaroth was designed by God as a means of "communicating astonishing messages" in pictures to all languages of the earth. 

Beloved Christian, the stars aren't evil. God created the heavenly bodies for signs, timing and special spiritual knowledge for you. The stars announced the Messiah’s First Coming and they will do so again at His Second Coming!

When the correct definitions of the signs of the Mazzaroth and the planets are used, the Heavens SUDDENLY comes alive with the glory of God. Everything that God ever did have meaning, and the Heavens are literally shouting out truth! 

Come journey with me as we explore the profound "Knowledge" radiating from God’s heavens…

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Book Size: A5

Number of Pages: 38

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