The Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach: A Hebraic Perspective Verse by Verse Part 9 View larger

The Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach: A Hebraic Perspective Verse by Verse Part 9


Revelation of Yeshua Hamashiach – Full Hebraic Perspective! (PDF Download)

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The Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach: A Hebraic Perspective Verse by Verse Part 9

This Revelation Bible Study Book Series is adding dimension to Jewish History, Jewish Religion, and John’s mind-boggling adventure into the future, and simply escapes most commentaries...

Part 9 - Chapter 21-22

This amazing series takes you verse-by-verse through the entire Book of Revelation, but explain breathtaking Hebraic concepts and incredible mysteries as no other book, example:

The meaning of the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet is encoded into the 22 chapters of the Book of Revelation. Each Hebrew letter has a special pictograph, meaning and is loaded with Jewish wisdom. The captivating Hebrew Alphabet is unlike any other alphabet. It is not a haphazard collection of consonants. The individual names and sounds of the letters, their numerical gematria, and their graphic descriptions have been Divinely ordained by GOD and is concealed in Revelation. Thus, the key to truly understanding Revelation lies in the priceless 22 Hebrew letters which create a skeletal outline. Each letter has a given meaning and The Revelation conforms to that outline which undoubtedly confirms correct doctrine, an eye-opening revelation. It also proves that not everything in The Revelation is chronological as it follows the Hebrew Alphabet’s pattern which cannot be manipulated. Through the chapters the author shows how GOD had a hand in the secret placement of each chapter of Revelation. This 'hidden pattern' study shows a Divine design and helps you with the special blessing "if you read and hear (understand) it" (Rev 1:3), off course the only Book in the Bible that offers this blessing. This, if I may, is solid Jewish Bible Study, enlightening for devoted Christians, and up to now, unheard of!

Secondly, this series of the Book of Revelation explained, offers you a fresh and vibrant new view by comparing Jewish Eschatology with the various Christian Eschatological views, an informative manual for the serious eschatologist, end time student and teacher to understand where the Christians, Gentiles, Ten Tribes of Israel, Jews, and Heathen non-believers fit into God’s program for the end. The Revelation is the fulfilment of prophecies which are rooted in the Jewish history Books, explained by means of the Jewish calendar, and simply inspires beloved Christians to look at their Hebraic heritage.

Thirdly, various daring theories and opinions on the verses of Revelation are given where you as a reader can make an informed decision, helping you to form your own opinion as to which theory you prefer, i.e. believers escape the Tribulation Period by means of a Rapture, or going partly into the Tribulation and are then raptured, or are raptured at the end, or no rapture at all and are protected as they go through the Great Tribulation. It is NOT a one-sided view on The Revelation and it help you to understand / argue / defend various topics where the focus remains on Moshiach (Messiah), which Christians call by the Greek term 'Christ'. This delighted Bible study is exciting for family reading, passionate Bible study groups, and dedicated seminaries; a proper exegesis forming part of a Hebraic roots Bible and unravels mysteries for Christianity. 

Jewish history, a very short introduction is given in the Introductory section so that beloved Christians can understand where the 'Gentile' neatly fit into Jewish history. This mystery, hidden for so very long, will leave you startled!

This spectacular book series of Revelation was put together after many epic authors’ work was studied: from Orthodox to Jews Christians authors. The end result, a vibrant eye-opening series with staggering revelations based on facts, which leaves you, the reader, fearless on the road to victory!

Thus, this is a first-off FULL HEBRAIC perspective on the wonderful Book of Revelation which neatly fit into our motto, "We Inform, You Choose", due to the many outcomes provided; simply a must for the serious futurist! 


Book Size: A4

Number of Pages: 40

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