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Revelation of Yeshua Hamashiach – Full Hebraic Perspective! (PDF Download)
The Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach: A Hebraic Perspective Verse by Verse Part 10
WHY IS 'THIS' BOOK ON REVELATION SUPERIOR TO OTHERS? VARIOUS THEORIES are presented throughout all the chapters; it is not a one-sided doctrine opinionated presentation as it gives JEWISH and VARIOUS CHRISTIAN ESCHATOLOGICAL VIEWS. It is a FIRST-OFF as it proves the 22 chapters follow the pattern of the 22 LETTER HEBREW ALPHABET. The encoded alphabet in the chapters reveal MYSTERIES so deep, it simply leaves the reader startled. This verse-by-verse explanation follows our Messiah’s HEBRAIC MINDSET and not the Greek thinking as the rest on the shelves.
HOW IS REVELATION STRUCTURED, ORGANIZED & WHAT IS ITS CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE? The Introductory pages explain JEWISH ESCHATOLOGY compared to the various views of Christian Eschatology rendering an AMAZING SURPRISE. Chapter 1 UNLOCKS the 22 chapters and explains how the prophecy is divided into 3 TIME PERIODS. The chapters are encoded with a HIDDEN MENORAH (7-branch Lampstand) STRUCTURE and the HEBREW ALPHABET, this is the ONLY EXEGESIS SHOWING IT.
WHAT ARE GENERATIONS & WHAT TIMESPAN IS USED FOR PROPHECY? The Scriptures mentions 40, 70, 80 and 120 YEAR GENERATIONS which cause GREAT CONFUSION. They are basically all THE SAME when viewed from a Hebraic point of view and UNDERSTANDING them SIMPLIFY ALL SCRIPTURES related to generations and prophecies.
HOW ARE THE 7 LETTERS TO THE 7 ASSEMBLIES LAID OUT IN 7 STEPS? Revelation is called the Book of Sevens and all aspects follow this SEVEN-PATTERN. Chapter 2 and 3’s letters follow a fixed 7-step-pattern as to REVEAL INFORMATION TO EACH ASSEMBLY that mystifies a reader.
WHAT IS THE SEALED SCROLL OF CHAPTER 5? The Hebraic mindset understands the concept of the ANCIENT PROPERTY TITLE-DEED and how it was to be treated.
WHAT ARE THE FOUR WINDS & FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH? The four winds are connected to the first 4 TRUMPET JUDGMENTS to DESTROY A THIRD of man’s natural environment. SCIENTISTS HAVE NOW DISCOVERED the earth has indeed 4 corners, proving the veracity of the Bible.
WHAT IS THE WAR IN HEAVEN? The 3 HEAVENLY DOMAINS are explained as well as to in WHICH HEAVEN this war takes place and HOW LONG it will last.
WHAT ARE THE 1260 DAYS? Jewish Eschatology is PATTERN and a system PROVEN throughout the Scriptures. The 1260 days happened in Daniel’s time, but the SAME PATTERN MUST HAPPEN AGAIN.
WHO IS THE BEAST? Also known as the Antichrist, but few know that he is actually called by 31 DIFFERENT NAMES, of which the 'ASSYRIAN' IS THE SINGLE MOST VITAL CLUE of them all as it directly connects the Beast to an area north of Israel involving the entire Muslim world: their PROPHECIES in the Hadiths EXPECT 2 PERSONS: Eesa and Mahdi.
WHAT IS THE BEAST FROM THE EARTH & WHO IS THE FALSE PROPHET? 2 BEASTS are mentioned, one from the sea and one from the earth. The Earth Beast will come out of the APOSTATE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM, set up a ONE-WORLD-RELIGION, promote the Antichrist and will be the ENFORCER of an ENSLAVEMENT SYSTEM that is currently unfolding.
WHAT IS THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON? A CAMPAIGN of battles leading up to the FINAL ONE-DAY BATTLE. A full detailed explanation according to JEWISH ESCHATOLOGY, which is PATTERN, in now given for the FIRST TIME.
WHAT HAPPENS AT THE SECOND COMING OF MESSIAH? After a POLAR SHIFT had occurred and the TECTONIC PLATES of the earth have been TORN APART according to prophecy, Moshiach Ben David will break through with blazing light and ride down the cobble stones of glory to planet earth. Then the earth-shattering events start in preparation of the GREAT MAGMA WINEPRESS in Israel’s Great Rift Valley to fulfil Joel’s prophecy…
WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE MILLENNIUM? 32 CLASSES OF SINNERS CANNOT ENTER the Messianic Age. The Bride must get married to become the Wife to sit next to her King as Queen to RULE DURING THE MESSIANIC AGE as prophecies demand And MUCH MUCH more...
P.S. For students: PDF format at as well as many FREE videos for your
Book Size: A4
Number of Pages: 48
Revelation of Yeshua Hamashiach – Full Hebraic Perspective! (PDF Download)
A book that every Believer should read! Scroll down for the details
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