God’s Calendar: The True Calendar: Which Is the True Calendar According to the Bible's Standard? View larger

God’s Calendar: The True Calendar: Which Is the True Calendar According to the Bible's Standard?


God’s Calendar: The True Calendar (PDF Download)

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God’s Calendar: The True Calendar: Which Is the True Calendar According to the Bible's Standard?

Which calendar is correct, the Egyptian, the Aztec, the Indian, the Buddhist, the Roman Catholic designed one beloved Christians use, or any one of the literally hundreds of different calendars?

A return to all Biblical truth is also a return to understand God's Sacred Calendar. Once the believer applies this calendar, all Scripture neatly falls into place.

The most widely-used calendar by Christians today was named after a Roman Catholic pope, Gregory, who decreed all should follow its definition. This calendar literally symbolizes the change of "times and laws". The true power of this calendar is demonstrated by its widespread use in the Christian Church and the western secular world. 

Come journey with me as we venture deep into the Scriptures to establish God’s wonderful calendar. Once you understand the concept of this calendar then your understanding of Scripture will exponentially grow. 

This book also reveals where the weekdays and month’s names originated from, yes you will be pleasantly surprized! 

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Book Size: A5

Number of Pages: 23

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