Feast of Weeks: Guidelines the Celebrate Shavuot: the Feast of Pentecost (Festivals Book 3) View larger

Feast of Weeks: Guidelines the Celebrate Shavuot: the Feast of Pentecost (Festivals Book 3)


Messianic Shavuot (PDF Download)

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Feast of Weeks: a Messianic User-Friendly Family Guide: Guidelines the Celebrate Shavuot: the Feast of Pentecost (Festivals Book 3) 

More and more Beloved Christians are asking questions on the Biblical Feasts. 

Shavuot (Pentecost) is the anniversary of Moses’ receiving the Commandments and the Wedding Invitation from God at Mount Sinai. This happened exactly 50 days after they left Egypt. Moses then went up the mountain and God came down in fire. Later 3,000 Israelites rebelled against God and God destroyed them. 

50 days after Yeshua (Jesus) rose from the dead He ascended into heaven. The disciples went up (as Moses did) into the Upper Room and God came down in fire. The first Assemble was then birthed with 3,000 believers. This is the purpose of studying the festival, it is loaded with typology and remarkable truths, yes EACH AND EVERY Old Testament festival, sacrifice, offering, etc. is full of typology!

Pentecost (Shavuot) is an ancient feast celebrated since the time of Mt Sinai, and mentioned in Leviticus 23. Yeshua did indeed fulfil this feast by the outpouring of God's Spirit. Beloved the word 'Pentecost' is only a Greek word meaning 'fiftieth' as both events happened on the 50th day! If you attend in a Pentecostal Church beloved Christian, then it simply means you attend a '50th Church', nothing more, smile.

On this specific day was the celebration of God entering the affairs of men in a profound way. On Shavuot (the first Pentecost), it was to teach people how to live as the community of God and with other people, and later on Pentecost (Yeshua’s time) it was to empower them to do so.

The truth is that God has always had His important 7 POINT PLAN OF SALVATION foreshadowed by His festivals and has always had His most important eschatological events fall on the dates of these festivals. In other words, God’s redemption plan for mankind is encoded in the seven main feasts of Leviticus chapter 23.

This book gives you the fun practical steps as to how you can celebrate this feast as an individual or group; it makes everybody involved with fun and excitement!

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Book Size: A5

Number of Pages: 19

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