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Messianic Day of Atonement (PDF...
Messianic Day of Atonement (PDF Download)
Day of Atonement: A Messianic User-Friendly Family Guide: The Single Most Important Feast and the Reasons Must Be Understood (Festivals Book 5)
More and more Beloved Christians are asking questions on the Biblical Feasts. This Day of Fast is the pinnacle of the Feast Days and this book reveal revelations as no other! Dear friend you will be amazed!
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is a daycelebrated by Yeshua (Jesus) and the Apostles as seen in the pages of the New Testament. Long after Yeshua’s death Yom Kippur continued as an important Holy Day for the Believers of God. Yom Kippur was kept as a Day of Fasting in which the early Believers all over the world abstained totally from food and water for a full 24 hours. It is a day when Believers humble themselves before God.
•Why did the early Believers all over the world observe Yom Kippur?
•Why are many Believers returning to the early Believers’ practice to honour this Day specifically?
•How is Yeshua (Jesus) revealed in every sacrifice on offering on this phenomenal day?
•What has Yom Kippur to do when Messiah’s return when He put His feet on the Mount of Olive?
•Why is the place where Yeshua fasted for 40 days vividly connected to Yom Kippur?
•And much more!
The truth is that God has always had His important 7 POINT PLAN OF SALVATION foreshadowed by His festivals and has always had His most important eschatological events fall on the dates of these festivals. In other words, God’s redemption plan for mankind is encoded in the seven main feasts of Leviticus chapter 23. You need to understand how Yeshua will fulfil this Day.
This book gives you the practical steps as to how you can prepare and conduct this Day as an individual or group; it makes everybody involved with focus and sincerity!
(BOOK IS UPDATED! Thank you for being patient with us. We are in the process to upgrade all our books based on captivating Biblical topics, explaining secrets and mysteries. Books are also available in PDF at as well as FREE videos for your convenience. Please come back regularly to see our upgraded and vibrant new books.)
Book Size: A5
Number of Pages: 36
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