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Guidelines for Permitted Work and...
Guidelines for Permitted Work and Activities on the Shabbat (PDF Download
Guidelines for Permitted Work on the Shabbat: A Practical Guide What You Can and Cannot Do
Guidelines for Permitted Work and Activities on the Shabbat: A Practical Guide What Can and What Cannot Be Done on Shabbat.
A book written for the Beloved Christian, Sabbatier, Messianic and even the Orthodox who desire to know more about the Biblical Day of Rest…
Beloved, there are certain work allowed by God on the Shabbat (the Hebrew word meaning 'Rest') and certain work are not allowed. The mysterious clue lays in the Hebrew word that the forbidden work on the Shabbat is CONNECTED to 'creational work' as God rested on this day, and not the 'other' pleasurable work, that may be a BIG surprise to you.
Hebrew Sages and Scholars down through the ages have studied the deep-seated Hebrew 'work' words connected to 'creation' and came up with only thirty-nine general categories of labour that are forbidden on the Shabbat. The rest you can obviously do at leisure and is in total agreement with even the striciest Jewish Rabbis.
This is very very interesting as to what pleasurable things you can and cannot do. I have tried to give the best practical and legal ramifications without violation God’s Word.
With that in mind, let’s reason together as we explore the Biblical "truths" concerning the Shabbat,
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Book Size: A5
Number of Pages: 14
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