Exposing Infant Baptism: A Hebrew Concept of Rebirth Under the Water Part 1 View larger

Exposing Infant Baptism: A Hebrew Concept of Rebirth Under the Water Part 1


Infant Baptism Exposed Part 1: A Hebraic Understanding (PDF Download)

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Exposing Infant Baptism: A Hebrew Concept of Rebirth Under the Water Part 1

Exposing Infant Baptism, Revealing Believer's Immersion Part 1: Must Babies Be Sprinkled or Believers Be Immersed? What is the Origin of Baby Baptism? What is the Hebrew Understanding of Baptism?

You are about to embark on a journey to understand Baptism from a fresh new Hebrew mind-set, something never revealed before! This is truly a topic that every dedicated believer must explore.

Questions the beloved Christian must ask himself…

•Is baby baptism 'into the Kingdom of God' correct, or, is a mature believer’s immersion 'sealing you reborn experience' correct? 

•Then, must you be baptism first, before you can partake in taking the Bread and Wine Sacraments (Covenant Meal), or, must you first take the Covenant Meal and then you are allowed to be baptized?

God says that He can DO NOTHING unless He revealed it to the prophets: "Indeed, the Sovereign GOD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). We know that it is impossible for God to lie. This then means 'anything that is new' and not mentioned before by a prophet is false. If God want to bring any new institution, rule, guideline, principle, etc., in, then it must have been declared by God to His followers through a prophet. 

Now, where do we see the first type of immersion in Scripture? Yes in the Tabernacle service. When you grasp the principle of first use in the Bible then all Scriptures fall into place. 

Beloved Christian, journey with me as we open the 'baptism issue' into a complete new dimension as never understood before, in a sensible logical vivid reality! You are about to be blessed with saturated truth…

Make sure you share it with loved ones without delay!

(BOOK IS UPDATED! Thank you for being patient with us. We are in the process to upgrade all our books based on captivating Biblical topics, explaining secrets and mysteries. Books are also available in PDF at http://www.hrti.co.za/shop/ as well as FREE videos for your convenience. Please come back regularly to see our upgraded and vibrant new books.) 


Book Size: A5

Number of Pages: 26

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