Scripture Interpretation: A Hebraic Understanding View larger

Scripture Interpretation: A Hebraic Understanding


A Hebraic Perspective to Scripture Interpretation. A book that every Believer should read! Scroll down for the details

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Scripture Interpretation: A Hebraic Understanding

Scripture Interpretation: A Hebraic Understanding is giving you the easy yet Fundamental Rules to understand the Bible. Apply these simple rules for correct Scripture interpretation. You will be amazed with this vibrant and exciting reading!

Islam only has two denominations, Shiite and Sunni; but in Christianity there were reported to be approximately 41,000 denominations, movements and churches (2013). By the time you read this book, there will be more. Any idea why it is like that? Well, divide and conquer is a sound military strategy (Matt 12:25).

The only logical reason I can find for this dilemma is because people do not interpret the Word of God as they should. Scripture after Scripture is being spiritualized, and teachings based on the doctrines and traditions of men are being accepted above God’s original and literal intent.

The literal sense of Scripture alone is the whole essence of faith. All heresies and errors have originated, not from the simple words of Scripture, but from neglecting the simple words of Scripture and from the habit of purely making assumptions — that is, by spiritualizing Scriptures. 

Globally, many beloved Christians have reached the point where they do not attend church services anymore due to the vast amount of conflicting doctrines. Christians have become diligent researchers of the Word as the Bereans did, and they tap into resources most "old school pastors" do not even know exist—i.e. the Internet.

With regards to the understanding of the Scriptures in their proper context, there are in fact "levels" of interpretation that must be taken into consideration. On top of the various levels of interpretation there are also "tools" encoded in the Scriptures to confirm if a given "doctrine" is correct. Failure of the identification and use of these tools will result in erroneous doctrine. The "levels and tools" explained in this book are for your use to accurately arrive at a correct doctrine, they are:

•The House of Judah (Jew), House of Israel (Gentile) Concept.
•The Scripturalist Principle.
•The Historical Literary Context Principle.
•The Foundation of All Scripture.
•Understand the Expanding of the Bible.
•Typology Studies Confirm Doctrine.
•Gematria confirms Doctrine.
•The Principle of First Mention.
•The Rules of PaRDeS Interpretation.

These were the methods used to write and interpret Scripture by the authors themselves as well as the audience of their time and culture. 

Come, journey with me as we mine for the 'hidden jewels' in the Scripture using the correct tools.

Brace yourself, this book will encourage you and help you to understand God’s Way!

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Book Size: A5

Number of Pages: 29

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