Yeshua Says "Follow Me", What It Really Means!: A Hebraic Perspective View larger

Yeshua Says "Follow Me", What It Really Means!: A Hebraic Perspective


What Does it Really Mean to Walk in Your Rabbi’s Footsteps (PDF Download)

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Yeshua Says "Follow Me", What It Really Means!: A Hebraic Perspective

Yeshua Says "Follow Me", What It Really Means!: a Hebraic Perspective is the pinnacle to understand what the simple words "follow me" really entails. You are about to embark on a life-changing journey, prepare yourself!

Beloved Christian 'following' Yeshua (Jesus) as described in the Scripture is far more comprehensive than just quickly saying the Sinners Prayer, it requires a dedicated sold out life for Him. This difference can best be understood in the context of the educational system of Yeshua’s day. 

Yeshua is frequently called "Rabbi" in the Scripture as He "walked in a certain way," and that is a strong clue for the Believer. Yeshua wants His followers today to walk as He did.

Do you know that at that time, young men interested in 'ministry' would listen to a variety of local Teachers, then approach the one they most admired and ask, "May I follow you?" While it was a reference to actually learning from the teachings of that Teacher, it also meant far more than that.

The student asked to be counted as a follower, but it was ONLY the Teacher who could determine if the 'follower' had what it took to be like his teacher. At this point, the Teacher, Rabbi in Hebrew, would either accept the talmid (student) or he would encourage the young man to choose a trade rather than hope to be a Teacher.

History clearly shows that a talmid didn't become a Teacher like students of today learn to be ministers or pastors, in fact to 'follow' in Biblical time and today is a far cry from theological degrees and qualifications. Of course they did learn much from the Teacher's experience and wisdom, from his verbal teaching, but what they really sought was 'to actually be like the Teacher himself.' This is in action and deeds, and this is what the Hebrew concept of Halachah means when Yeshua uttered the words "follow Me"!

To this end, a talmid followed his Teacher everywhere, every hour of every day, rarely leaving the Teacher's side for fear that he would miss an important moment. The talmid watched his Teacher's every action, word and deed, trying to think and act in a similar fashion. His deepest desire was to follow his Teacher so closely that the student would eventually think and act exactly as his Teacher. There is an ancient Rabbinic blessing that puts it this way: "May you be covered with the dust of your Rabbi." Meaning, the student was to walk so close to the Rabbi that the very dust kicked up by the teacher's walking would fall on him.

It is my heart’s desire that you journey with me in Yeshua’s footsteps. Find out what His upbringing and education really entailed.

May you be covered with the dust of Rabbi Yeshua as you walk in the same manner He did.

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Book Size: A5

Number of Pages: 29

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