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A Historical Research of the Ten...
A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 10 PDF
Part 10: A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations
In this section we addressed the Silent Witnesses: Roads and Pathways to derive at a plausible outcome.
Jer 31:21 says that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and further migration, so as to find their way back. This indeed happened with unprecedented accuracy. These megaliths are also associated with the stars, which believers of today are only now really starting to study and understand, this as commanded in the Torah.
The Bible makes clear reference to these structures in many places, and covenants were strongly associated with them, therefore the megaliths had a long history with the Hebrew peoples. The use of menhirs as funerary monuments also exists from ancient time till late in historical times.
Megaliths have been erected in various phases: the first monuments to be erected were by the Sethites (Neolithic Period), then to these were added later by the descendants of Eber (King Solomon and the Phoenicians), and then later still by the descendants of Jacob-Israel (Ten Tribes) all the way into the Christian Era. Many Rabbis and leading Jewish scholars believe that most of the megaliths outside Israel were erected by the Ten Tribers on their migration routes. Thus, the megalithic monuments indicate the migratory paths.
There are four main migratory paths northwards. The path through Georgia was selected to prove the fact that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and beyond. Megaliths, arranged in special formations were found on this migration path giving valuable information. Each country that is studied offers more cryptic information and clues. Megaliths on the migratory paths deserve further studies evolving into a doctorate dissertation.
There are direct parallels between megalithic structures such as the Caucasus, Stonehenge, Newgrange, and Kilmartin, not to mention the smaller groups on the migration path. Scotland is one of the 'final' destinations the Ten Tribers migrated to in Western Europe and a last piece of vital cryptic eschatological evidence is encoded in its menhirs, cairns, dolmens, cromlechs, and tumuli.
The headings in this part cover the following areas:
Etymologies and Definitions:
Megaliths, Dolmens and Menhirs.
Types of Stone Structures.
Types of Dolmens.
Why Do Modern People Erect Grave Stones?
Stones In the Bible.
Rabbis’ Interpretation on the Megaliths.
From King Solomon to Christianity.
Megalithic Monuments Indicate the Migratory Paths (One route was selected to prove the point as indicated in the countries listed): Israel: Point of Departure, Assyria (Syria), Persia (Iraq / Iran), Turkey, Armenia, Georgia (Arsareth), Russia, Ukraine (Crimea), Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Resemblance: Jewish Tombs of Today and The Ancient Dolmens.
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